Tag: data visualization

  • puredata with unity3d

    Demo keywords: puredata generates midi notes; unity3d data visualization; garageband sound effect; midi for communication. (not OSC). Contra:Development.Pure Data, Unity3d, Garageband.

  • “地平线 Horizon” – 上海癫子异术节[2008]

    “地平线 Horizon”  visualized the flickr image data all over the world around keyword/tag – Horizon. It was exhibited on Shanghai Electronic Art Festival 2008. Teamwork with Wen Jingbo, Wang haocheng, Yang Fan, Yang Tao.Contra:Technical Director, Development.Flash/Flex, python, Flickr API. ============================================= 下文是《大众DV》约稿,略作修改 Dazzling on the horizon — — 无炫不媒体 Key1:新媒体艺术 维基百科对新媒体艺术(New Media Art)的第一句解释如是:“Newmedia art is an art genre that…