Tag: interactive wall

  • BSQ – interactive wall [2018]

    “BSQ” is an interactive LED wall in a clubhouse near “West Lake” of Hangzhou, China.  In the video, “Qiantang River” was crossing the city. The modern building will transform to ancient architecture when touched by people. If someone walks along the wall, some wave will follow him. The background sound also reacts to people’s interaction. The project…

  • SOS – interactive wall [2018]

    “SOS” is an interactive LED wall in a night club in Shanghai, China. If someone walks along the wall, some halo will follow him. The background stripe color will reacts to the live music tempo. The project used one HOKUYO URG-10LX Scanning Laser Rangefinders for tracking people’s position. About software, the visual content created in…

  • 物美价廉的家用互动触摸墙

    本次周末DEMO,是一个互动触摸墙原型。 器材: 导电墨水笔 Makey Makey 画纸 投影仪 程序:Adobe Animate 视觉:PS 手绘 + AE —- 导电墨水 —- 关于墙体的互动方案,雷达,家里玩太贵;摄像头CV识别,缺少触摸感;最终选用了导电墨水: Bare Conductive这一款导电墨水笔,淘宝一支百元左右: 为保护家里墙面,拿白板+画纸代替。 第一层纸,画好导电线路: 再铺一层纸,触摸位置挖个简单粗暴的洞: —- Makey Makey —- 图自http://makeymakey.com 图自http://makeymakey.com Makey Makey直接映射的就是键盘,所以接好线路即可: —- 程序 —- 控制及呈现的程序,平台选用 Adobe Animate,看着眼生?它以前叫 Flash 。 在 Animate 里所见即所得的做 Layout,以及导入动画序列帧。 代码部分,用 Javascript API,而非as3,这样可将项目发布成 HTML5+Canvas 的 Web 形式,而非传统的 swf Flash。 发布成 Web,就非常灵活了。Web 页面托管在开发机上,而连接 Makey…