Tag: Laser Rangefinders

  • BSQ – interactive wall [2018]

    “BSQ” is an interactive LED wall in a clubhouse near “West Lake” of Hangzhou, China.  In the video, “Qiantang River” was crossing the city. The modern building will transform to ancient architecture when touched by people. If someone walks along the wall, some wave will follow him. The background sound also reacts to people’s interaction. The project…

  • SOS – interactive wall [2018]

    “SOS” is an interactive LED wall in a night club in Shanghai, China. If someone walks along the wall, some halo will follow him. The background stripe color will reacts to the live music tempo. The project used one HOKUYO URG-10LX Scanning Laser Rangefinders for tracking people’s position. About software, the visual content created in…