Tag: WebGL

  • A green scanner effect with depth texture



    I made a green scanner effect. Steps: Prepare a handsome photo. Calculate the depth value of the scene in the photo through machine learning, and get a depth texture. Write shader code to implement green scan line effect. Calculate photo scene depth Why do we need to calculate the scene depth of the photo? Because…

  • DD – data visualization [2017]

    “DD” is a smart taxi distribution system like Uber.  Its data has complicated multiple dimensions, such as TPH, Deal Rate, Distance, Guided or Unguided Rate, Requests/Drivers Rate, Coordinate, Time, etc.We designed and developed the data visualization. The map area is setup at Shanghai China. Yidan:Data analysis, data visualization design, UI.Sketch, Cinema 4D. Contra:Raw data parser, data visualization development.React,…