Tag: audio visual
Audio visual + AI generated face
Audio visual + AI generated face. Visual by Contra(me), Audio by dogone. The original face animation generated using Baidu PaddleGan. Then added some shader effect triggered by the bgm in realtime.
How to make interactive audiovisual effect in 5 minutes using Blender and MaxMSP
Blender is now a new force in 3D art. Although new but not young, about twenties. In [Experimental Programming], I generally use Blender as a Python runtime environment out of the box, like:Using Blender to run Python and visualizing the Fourier Series. And this time, it is a simple and crude VJ / music visualization /…
An simple audio visual effect with FFT using MaxMSP – [Patch a dirty #003]
Source code: https://www.patreon.com/posts/32628536 中文视频B站: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av80746096/ 源代码: 微信公众号/知识星球:实验编程
Sound Mountain – interactive MV [2012]
‘Sound Mountain’ is an interactive music experience (or interactive music video).It was exhibited in the 2012 China Maker Carnival in Beijing (中国首届创客嘉年华). The original concept is from a music video by Hibanana. I implement it to this interactive version. Contra: Design, Development.unity3d.
processing sound-reactive
Extend the “3D Jellyfish” (by VJ Fader) in openprocessing.org. I added some sound reactive、spectrum and shining effects. All in processing, include the classic “Blue” XD music: DJ krush “BLUE FANTASY DJ KRUSH REMIX” github: https://github.com/avantcontra/jellyfish_sound_reactive Contra:Audio visual, generative animation.Processing.