Tag: Nodejs

  • Motion capture with Tenserflow.js/PoseNet + MaxMSP + Blender

    The key steps of the video above: Use the PoseNet of TensorFlow based on web-based machine learning for motion capture; Link the PoseNet page to MaxMSP with the Node for Max module provided by MaxMSP; Human motion data captured by PoseNet is sent back to MaxMSP through SocketIO; MaxMSP sends the received data to Blender…

  • Tutorial to voice control HTML GIF animation with mobile phone using MaxMSP and Nodejs

    A demo and tutorial to voice control HTML GIF animation with mobile phone using OSC + MaxMSP + Nodejs + SocketIO. Source code: https://gum.co/whmyz https://www.patreon.com/posts/35323161 The data flow: OSC controller —- MaxMSP —- Node for Max —- Animation (HTML Web GIF) OSC controller: BugOSC, an OSC controller I developed based of Wechat mini program (微信小程序).…

  • Transmitting OSC data via WebSocket

    Sometimes I meet situations where I need OSC but cannot use UDP.  Such as sending OSC message from browser-based p5js to Processing / MaxMSP / Unity.And I’m developing a OSC controller called BugOSC. It is a WeChat Mini Program, which also does not support UDP. However, although the web guys usually don’t support UDP, they support WebSocket…

  • Max QRCode Generator

    “Node for Max” is a new future of Max8. Official introduction and tutorial:“With support for the vast NPM library, Node for Max connects your patches to thousands of possibilities.”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PmyPdmujYQQhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSZH6fjOcXE Easy to use:In Max: use [node script] object.In js: I made a QRCode generator using Node for Max: Max patch and NodeJS source code download:https://www.patreon.com/posts/24123843

  • HW CEBIT – event live game [2016]

    “HW CEBIT” is an interactive quiz game among live audiences in the Europe’s leading digital event: CEBIT (2016). It has three ends: – an iPad for host to control the game process.– three iPads for audiences who participated in the game.– a big screen wall for other live audience to watch the whole process and result.…

  • Wendu – H5 E-Mall [2016]

    “Wendu” is an O2O shopping E-Mall, with store, club, order, shopping, event, meetup and more kinds of functions. Yidan:Prototype, UI, interactive design, visual design.Sketch, Modao. Contra:Web development.Reactjs, Nodejs, PHP, RESTful API.