Tag: WeChat
Speech recognition and then visualize the 3D text in Blender Eevee in realtime
Voice/speech recognition by my OSC controller-BugOSC, then send the text to Blender and rendered by Eevee, all realtime. Youtube: https://youtu.be/KVT-y5a963Y B站(Chinese): https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1A54y1d7Sh/ OSC controller: BugOSC, an OSC controller I developed based of Wechat mini program (微信小程序). You should install Wechat App firstly and then search “BugOSC” in it. “BugOSC” is NOT a native App, it…
Tutorial to voice control HTML GIF animation with mobile phone using MaxMSP and Nodejs
A demo and tutorial to voice control HTML GIF animation with mobile phone using OSC + MaxMSP + Nodejs + SocketIO. Source code: https://gum.co/whmyz https://www.patreon.com/posts/35323161 The data flow: OSC controller —- MaxMSP —- Node for Max —- Animation (HTML Web GIF) OSC controller: BugOSC, an OSC controller I developed based of Wechat mini program (微信小程序).…
Interactive between mobile phone and Blender animation through OSC
Just another demo about interactive between mobile phone and Blender animation through OSC. Blender Eevee animation: BLUE FOX Creation https://youtu.be/TYkPvFLDBNI NodeOSC addon of Blender: maybites https://github.com/maybites/blender.NodeOSC OSC controller: BugOSC, an OSC controller I developed based of Wechat mini program (微信小程序). You should install wechat firstly and then search “BugOSC” in it. Detail how-to video: “How…
p5.we – develop WeChat Mini Game using p5.js
p5.js is a wonderful JavaScript library that starts with the original goal of the also wonderful Processing. p5.we is a boilerplate to develop Wechat Mini Game (微信小游戏) using p5.js. What is WeChat: WeChat is more than a messaging and social media app – it is a lifestyle for one billion users across the world. What…