Author: Contra
Nature of Code with MaxMSP – 1.1 Vector – [Patch a Dirty 006]
Implemented the effect of “Nature of Code” with MaxMSP, Lesson #1.1, Vector. All process and patch are open and free in the video. Chinese 中文版B站: And the source code conveniently below for your donation: REF: Original Nature of Code Lesson #1.1 by great Daniel Shiffman (P5js): BGM: DONATE: There are…
“The First Dance” AILog.006 n’ “There is a cycle” AILog.007
Just other computational audio reactive visuals, generated by StyleGAN2.Still have a lot to do. AILog.001-005 are images: Donate: There are many articles, patches, source code and some advanced Patron-only content there. Or you can get a source code/patch directly in gumroad. If you like something, could buy me a coffee 😀 More articles:…
Motion capture with Tenserflow.js/PoseNet + MaxMSP + Blender
The key steps of the video above: Use the PoseNet of TensorFlow based on web-based machine learning for motion capture; Link the PoseNet page to MaxMSP with the Node for Max module provided by MaxMSP; Human motion data captured by PoseNet is sent back to MaxMSP through SocketIO; MaxMSP sends the received data to Blender…
AI as a way of expressing emotions
These days I’m learning machine learning and trying generating visual things based on StyleGAN, a neural network. AILog005, was first sent to my wife, she said: “OK, more suppressed.” Great! This is the feeling I’m looking for. Not only do I specifically mean “suppression”, but I finally have a way of expressing myself, and it…
Speech recognition and then visualize the 3D text in Blender Eevee in realtime
Voice/speech recognition by my OSC controller-BugOSC, then send the text to Blender and rendered by Eevee, all realtime. Youtube: B站(Chinese): OSC controller: BugOSC, an OSC controller I developed based of Wechat mini program (微信小程序). You should install Wechat App firstly and then search “BugOSC” in it. “BugOSC” is NOT a native App, it…
Tutorial to voice control HTML GIF animation with mobile phone using MaxMSP and Nodejs
A demo and tutorial to voice control HTML GIF animation with mobile phone using OSC + MaxMSP + Nodejs + SocketIO. Source code: The data flow: OSC controller —- MaxMSP —- Node for Max —- Animation (HTML Web GIF) OSC controller: BugOSC, an OSC controller I developed based of Wechat mini program (微信小程序).…
Interactive between mobile phone and Blender animation through OSC
Just another demo about interactive between mobile phone and Blender animation through OSC. Blender Eevee animation: BLUE FOX Creation NodeOSC addon of Blender: maybites OSC controller: BugOSC, an OSC controller I developed based of Wechat mini program (微信小程序). You should install wechat firstly and then search “BugOSC” in it. Detail how-to video: “How…
How to make interactive audiovisual effect in 5 minutes using Blender and MaxMSP
Blender is now a new force in 3D art. Although new but not young, about twenties. In [Experimental Programming], I generally use Blender as a Python runtime environment out of the box, like:Using Blender to run Python and visualizing the Fourier Series. And this time, it is a simple and crude VJ / music visualization /…
A LeetCode problem “Two Sum” implemented with JavaScript and MaxMSP separately – [Patch a dirty #005]
I’m practising my programming skills on LeetCode. This demo implemented the Two Sum: Given an array of integers, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to a specific target. You may assume that each input would have exactly one solution, and you may not use the same element twice. Example: Given…
Machine Learning homework Matrix operating implemented with MaxMSP – [Patch a dirty #004]
#004 is a homework of Machine Learning about Matrix operating and txt file r/w using MaxMSP. I just start to study Machine Learning from Hung-yi Lee’s open video. This demo implemented some Matrix operating from the first homework HW0-Q1: step 1: read two matrix data from two text file; step 2: matrixA * matrxB;…