Tag: generative

  • Nature of Code with MaxMSP – 1.1 Vector – [Patch a Dirty 006]

    Implemented the effect of “Nature of Code” with MaxMSP, Lesson #1.1, Vector. All process and patch are open and free in the video. Chinese 中文版B站:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Ap4y1D7DP/ And the source code conveniently below for your donation: https://gum.co/gmboW https://www.patreon.com/posts/37982238/ REF: Original Nature of Code Lesson #1.1 by great Daniel Shiffman (P5js): https://thecodingtrain.com/learning/nature-of-code/1.1-what-is-a-vector.html BGM: https://www.patreon.com/anakarada DONATE: https://www.patreon.com/avantcontra There are…

  • “The First Dance” AILog.006 n’ “There is a cycle” AILog.007

    Just other computational audio reactive visuals, generated by StyleGAN2.Still have a lot to do. AILog.001-005 are images:https://www.instagram.com/avantcontra/ Donate: https://www.patreon.com/avantcontra There are many articles, patches, source code and some advanced Patron-only content there. Or you can get a source code/patch directly in gumroad.https://gumroad.com/avantcontra If you like something, could buy me a coffee 😀 More articles: https://medium.com/@contra…

  • AI as a way of expressing emotions

    These days I’m learning machine learning and trying generating visual things based on StyleGAN, a neural network. AILog005, was first sent to my wife, she said: “OK, more suppressed.” Great! This is the feeling I’m looking for. Not only do I specifically mean “suppression”, but I finally have a way of expressing myself, and it…

  • An Christmas tree made with Blender and Python – [Patch a dirty #002]

    Source code: https://www.patreon.com/posts/32589447 中文B站: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av80508766

  • Chaos Tao

    “Chaos Tao” is an algorithmic music generator. It generates a series midi sequences in real time, then play them out and output the midi notes. Try it here: floatbug.com/chaostao/ source code: github.com/avantcontra/chaostao. Chaos The algorithm behind is “Chaos”. Programming Language is Pure Data (Pd vanilla), using WebPd to play in web browser. Pure Data Pure Data (aka Pd) is…

  • Sound Mountain – interactive MV [2012]

    ‘Sound Mountain’ is an interactive music experience (or interactive music video).It was exhibited in the 2012 China Maker Carnival in Beijing (中国首届创客嘉年华). The original concept is from a music video by Hibanana. I implement it to this interactive version. Contra: Design, Development.unity3d.

  • processing sound-reactive

    Extend the “3D Jellyfish” (by VJ Fader) in openprocessing.org. I added some sound reactive、spectrum and shining effects. All in processing, include the classic “Blue” XD music: DJ krush “BLUE FANTASY DJ KRUSH REMIX” github: https://github.com/avantcontra/jellyfish_sound_reactive Contra:Audio visual, generative animation.Processing.

  • puredata with unity3d

    Demo keywords: puredata generates midi notes; unity3d data visualization; garageband sound effect; midi for communication. (not OSC). Contra:Development.Pure Data, Unity3d, Garageband.