Tag: Max
Tutorial to voice control HTML GIF animation with mobile phone using MaxMSP and Nodejs
A demo and tutorial to voice control HTML GIF animation with mobile phone using OSC + MaxMSP + Nodejs + SocketIO. Source code: https://gum.co/whmyz https://www.patreon.com/posts/35323161 The data flow: OSC controller —- MaxMSP —- Node for Max —- Animation (HTML Web GIF) OSC controller: BugOSC, an OSC controller I developed based of Wechat mini program (微信小程序).…
Interactive between mobile phone and Blender animation through OSC
Just another demo about interactive between mobile phone and Blender animation through OSC. Blender Eevee animation: BLUE FOX Creation https://youtu.be/TYkPvFLDBNI NodeOSC addon of Blender: maybites https://github.com/maybites/blender.NodeOSC OSC controller: BugOSC, an OSC controller I developed based of Wechat mini program (微信小程序). You should install wechat firstly and then search “BugOSC” in it. Detail how-to video: “How…
How to make interactive audiovisual effect in 5 minutes using Blender and MaxMSP
Blender is now a new force in 3D art. Although new but not young, about twenties. In [Experimental Programming], I generally use Blender as a Python runtime environment out of the box, like:Using Blender to run Python and visualizing the Fourier Series. And this time, it is a simple and crude VJ / music visualization /…
A LeetCode problem “Two Sum” implemented with JavaScript and MaxMSP separately – [Patch a dirty #005]
I’m practising my programming skills on LeetCode. This demo implemented the Two Sum: Given an array of integers, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to a specific target. You may assume that each input would have exactly one solution, and you may not use the same element twice. Example: Given…
Machine Learning homework Matrix operating implemented with MaxMSP – [Patch a dirty #004]
#004 is a homework of Machine Learning about Matrix operating and txt file r/w using MaxMSP. I just start to study Machine Learning from Hung-yi Lee’s open video. https://youtu.be/CXgbekl66jc This demo implemented some Matrix operating from the first homework HW0-Q1: step 1: read two matrix data from two text file; step 2: matrixA * matrxB;…
How to use phone dial tone as an interaction controller, and decode DTMF signals
The first article in 2020, accidentally picked an Old School topic. There was a section in 名探偵コナン 戦慄の楽譜フルスコア(Detective Conan:Full Score of Fear), released ten years ago. Konan was standing in the middle of the water. First, a world wave shot down the phone receiver on the shore, then closed his eyes and shouted loudly. 110…
An simple audio visual effect with FFT using MaxMSP – [Patch a dirty #003]
Source code: https://www.patreon.com/posts/32628536 中文视频B站: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av80746096/ 源代码: 微信公众号/知识星球:实验编程
An edge effect filter with MaxMSP – [Patch a dirty #001]
Source code: https://www.patreon.com/posts/edge-effect-with-32560298 中文B站: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av80303166
Trigonometric function visualization using MaxMSP — “Coding Druid”
“Coding Druid” series is my horizontal programming practice notes, each part around a topic like mathematical, physics, electronic, graphics, sound, etc., implemented in several programming languages. Mathematics In the principle of not digging holes for yourself, I start from a (maybe) simple theory, the trigonometric function of junior high school mathematics. Trigonometric function In mathematics, the trigonometric functions…
Transmitting OSC data via WebSocket
Sometimes I meet situations where I need OSC but cannot use UDP. Such as sending OSC message from browser-based p5js to Processing / MaxMSP / Unity.And I’m developing a OSC controller called BugOSC. It is a WeChat Mini Program, which also does not support UDP. However, although the web guys usually don’t support UDP, they support WebSocket…