Tag: Machine Learning
Generatived video with AI (StyleGAN2) and Unreal Engine Niagara
Generated video from StyleGAN2, then mapped the video texture to Niagara Mesh Particle in Unreal Engine (4.27) YouTube: https://youtu.be/FzO48cp72Y8 Bilibili: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1k3411q7jw ref: StyleGAN2-ADA: https://github.com/NVlabs/stylegan2-ada-pytorch FluidNinja LIVE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8Wmn_ubaSYx9RCXDCEeYVQ
Generative art video with AI (StyleGAN2)
Video generated from StyleGAN2, then add shader FX (Fragment:Flow based on MaxMSP Jitter). YouTube: https://youtu.be/AcHX0vZA_yc Bilibili: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1mq4y1U72K ref: https://github.com/NVlabs/stylegan2-ada-pytorch https://github.com/pbaylies/stylegan2
Generative video with StyleGAN and Unreal engine, another
Original video generated from StyleGAN2, then add FX in unreal engine. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yd_4cMO6pQ4
A green scanner effect with depth texture
I made a green scanner effect. Steps: Prepare a handsome photo. Calculate the depth value of the scene in the photo through machine learning, and get a depth texture. Write shader code to implement green scan line effect. Calculate photo scene depth Why do we need to calculate the scene depth of the photo? Because…
Audio visual + AI generated face
Audio visual + AI generated face. Visual by Contra(me), Audio by dogone. The original face animation generated using Baidu PaddleGan. Then added some shader effect triggered by the bgm in realtime.
a Web+AR+AI Christmas Tree example
Last year today, I made a Christmas tree using Bender and Python: This time I tested a workflow: Export the model (Mesh) generated by the Sverchok plug-in or Python script from Blender, and then import it into the web page for rendering. By the way, the web version of machine learning face recognition is added,…
Audio Visual interaction based on AI paintings
Just tried adding some audio-visual effect onto an portrait painting generated by AI. The full video:https://youtu.be/w4WUDmZYKOQ The original painting generated by AI, a model using StyleGAN2. The visual effect created mostly from shader.And I used the handy and cool software “Fragment:Flow” based on MaxMSP/Jitter. BGM: “Green Lake Remix 006”, by dogone – my old friend…
“The First Dance” AILog.006 n’ “There is a cycle” AILog.007
Just other computational audio reactive visuals, generated by StyleGAN2.Still have a lot to do. AILog.001-005 are images:https://www.instagram.com/avantcontra/ Donate: https://www.patreon.com/avantcontra There are many articles, patches, source code and some advanced Patron-only content there. Or you can get a source code/patch directly in gumroad.https://gumroad.com/avantcontra If you like something, could buy me a coffee 😀 More articles: https://medium.com/@contra…
Motion capture with Tenserflow.js/PoseNet + MaxMSP + Blender
The key steps of the video above: Use the PoseNet of TensorFlow based on web-based machine learning for motion capture; Link the PoseNet page to MaxMSP with the Node for Max module provided by MaxMSP; Human motion data captured by PoseNet is sent back to MaxMSP through SocketIO; MaxMSP sends the received data to Blender…
AI as a way of expressing emotions
These days I’m learning machine learning and trying generating visual things based on StyleGAN, a neural network. AILog005, was first sent to my wife, she said: “OK, more suppressed.” Great! This is the feeling I’m looking for. Not only do I specifically mean “suppression”, but I finally have a way of expressing myself, and it…