Tag: python

  • An Christmas tree made with Blender and Python – [Patch a dirty #002]

    Source code: https://www.patreon.com/posts/32589447 中文B站: https://www.bilibili.com/video/av80508766

  • Drawing anything with Fourier Series using Blender and Python

    Recently, in the Fourier Series chapter of “Coding Druid”, I practiced the visualization of Fourier Series and demonstrated the periodic square wave curve, which can be decomposed into a series of sine wave curves: Above is Python (Blender) version. There are JavaScript (React) version, and Unity version. “Coding Druid” series is my horizontal programming practice notes, each part around a topic like mathematical, physics, electronic, graphics, sound,…

  • Using Blender to run Python and visualizing the Fourier Series

    “Coding Druid” series is my horizontal programming practice notes, each part around a topic like mathematical, physics, electronic, graphics, sound, etc., implemented in several programming languages. Coding DruidPart: MathChapter: Fourier SeriesSection: Python (in Blender) In this Chapter, I have visualized Fourier Series separately using JavaScript (React): and Unity: This section is Python again. Playground options In the note Sine function visualization using Python I…

  • Sine function visualization using Python

    “Coding Druid” series is my horizontal programming practice notes, each part around a topic like mathematical, physics, electronic, graphics, sound, etc., implemented in several programming languages. Coding DruidPart: MathChapter: Trigonometric FunctionSection: Python In the previous two sections, I visualized Trigonometric function (Sine and unit circle) by MaxMSP and JavaScript (React): Trigonometric Function Visualization Using MaxMSP Sine Function Visualization…

  • flex与django|python通信,通过pyamf



    pyamf官网上推荐了一篇中文howto(1,2),介绍django与flex通信,通过pyamf(一个python的开源api,专门针对amf协议)。其中有个小问题,就是destination的设置。 共有三处会用到该属性(这篇中文howto只提到了两处),我的代码片段如下: 1 flex:<mx:RemoteObject id=”djangoService” destination=”destinationFucker” showBusyCursor=”true”/> 2 services-config.xml: <destination id=”destinationFucker”> <channels> <channel ref=”fuckChannel”/> </channels> </destination> 3 amfgateway.py: usersGateway = DjangoGateway({ ‘destinationFucker.testFuck’:testFuck, ‘destinationFucker.testArrayFuck’:testArrayFuck }) 深红色的python部分,在原文中是没有destination的(当然原文中也没有fu*k)。 我不知道原文的example是如何测试的,至少我滴环境下(django自带server,无数据库)如果在python(或django)的方法前不加destination(即直接’testArrayFuck’:testArrayFuck ),flex是无法找到远程方法testArrayFuck的。(后注:后来发现原example无效是因为pyamf版本有更新) flex的RemoteObject,天生出来是与java后台相亲相爱的 ,在java中,destination对应的可以是该class名,即: class destinationFucker { public function testArrayFuck(){} } 而在python中,至少这个example中米有class,所以必须在映射方法testArrayFuck时加上destination才能找到“destinationFucker.testArrayFuck”。 那么客户端flex及services-config中不写destination行不行涅? 答案貌似是“不行”,如果在RemoteObject及services-config中去掉destination,运行时会找不到destination而报错。 那么客户端flex及services-config中destination id=””行不行涅? 答案也貌似是“不行”,在services-config中destination的id不接受””。至少在flex默认配置下这样是不行滴。 另外,上边举的那个java的例子,其实我猜的,因为从没用java试过 ^_<