Tag: React

  • Fourier Series Visualization Using React Hooks

    “Coding Druid” series is my horizontal programming practice notes, each part around a topic like mathematical, physics, electronic, graphics, sound, etc., implemented in several programming languages. Coding DruidPart: MathChapter: Fourier SeriesSection: Javascript (React) In the previous Chapter, I visualized Trigonometric function (Sine and unit circle) separately using MaxMSP, JavaScript (React), Python, and Unity: This chapter I implement Fourier Series curve visualization.And start with JavaScript and…

  • Sine function visualization using React Hooks

    “Coding Druid” series is my horizontal programming practice notes, each part around a topic like mathematical, physics, electronic, graphics, sound, etc., implemented in several programming languages. Coding DruidPart: MathChapter: Trigonometric FunctionSection: Javascript (React) In the previous section, I visualized Trigonometric function (Sine and unit circle) by MaxMSP: Trigonometric Function Visualization Using MaxMSP — “Coding Druid” This time I use javascript…

  • CROSSING – Creative Web App for the film[2019]

    “过春天 The Crossing” is an awards-winning movie, directed by Bai Xue.The film has a poster created by an artist Lu Zhengyuan.We built a creative Web App for the poster and film. “The Crossing” (painting) hopes to express the resonance of the film by creating a sense of time and space overlap and an imminent shift…

  • DD – data visualization [2017]

    “DD” is a smart taxi distribution system like Uber.  Its data has complicated multiple dimensions, such as TPH, Deal Rate, Distance, Guided or Unguided Rate, Requests/Drivers Rate, Coordinate, Time, etc.We designed and developed the data visualization. The map area is setup at Shanghai China. Yidan:Data analysis, data visualization design, UI.Sketch, Cinema 4D. Contra:Raw data parser, data visualization development.React,…

  • 前后分离兼攻守,干活带风嗖嗖嗖

    上一篇写了猪跑上码头(Drupal on Docker),Drupal 诞生于2001年,那个时候攒台电脑还要跑去中关村。虽然 Docker 也算显年轻,但为了证明40岁不是 Coder 的年龄大限,这一篇我决定把 React 也拉进来。(什么,华为从34岁就开始清理了?扶我坐下……) 用 React 做前端,开发 SPA(单页面应用),就不再需要 Drupal 繁琐的模版主题了。保留 Drupal 的纯后台功能,通过 RESTful API 来实现前后数据通信。 即所谓的前后分离、Headless Drupal,等等。 必要时,还可以在 React 与 Drupal 之间再加上 Node 这一层,做一些访问数据库之前的逻辑处理,或实现首屏页面服务端渲染以优化SEO等。 这样一来,后台用 Drupal 快速定制功能,还天然捎带了一个多用户权限的后台管理系统;前端用 React 可随意定制各种样式的页面。当然后台也可以换成 Java PHP Go Scala Python 第三方云服务等你或你同事或你客户开心的技术来做,反正前后分离了。 正所谓进可攻,退可守,干活带风嗖嗖嗖。 WordPress 其实早就这么做了,wordpress.com的dashboard,已经全部由 React + Node 重构,通过 RESTful API 与 WordPress 后台通信。 我之所以没有选 WordPress,是因为…

  • HW CEBIT – event live game [2016]

    “HW CEBIT” is an interactive quiz game among live audiences in the Europe’s leading digital event: CEBIT (2016). It has three ends: – an iPad for host to control the game process.– three iPads for audiences who participated in the game.– a big screen wall for other live audience to watch the whole process and result.…

  • Wendu – H5 E-Mall [2016]

    “Wendu” is an O2O shopping E-Mall, with store, club, order, shopping, event, meetup and more kinds of functions. Yidan:Prototype, UI, interactive design, visual design.Sketch, Modao. Contra:Web development.Reactjs, Nodejs, PHP, RESTful API.